Organic food = nutritious?


Organic food = nutritious?

Written by: Registered Dietitian (Public Health) (UK) Phoebe Wu

Many families choose to consume organic foods such as fruits, vegetables, and eggs. When asked why they choose organic foods, most people respond: “Because organic food is safer and more nutritious.” In this issue, I will teach what organic farming is.

What is organic farming?

Organic farming refers to agricultural activities conducted using agricultural, biological, or mechanical methods instead of synthetic substances made by humans. It does not use chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or genetically modified crops, but rather utilizes local natural resources and adheres to the natural ecological order. The scope of consideration is very broad, for example: there must be a buffer zone of at least 2 meters between the organic production area of a farm and the non-organic areas to prevent contamination of the crops.

Crop and variety selection and diversity

  • Seeds or vegetative propagating organs used for organic cultivation must be organically certified.
  • Farms must implement crop rotation and intercropping and should diversify as much as possible to avoid monoculture.

Nutrient Management

  • Fertilization must be done in appropriate amounts to prevent nutrient excess and environmental pollution.
  • The fertilizers used on the farm should be harmless to the ecological environment in terms of their source, quality, application rate, and method of application.
  • Fallowing should be practiced to allow the land to recover its fertility.
  • The use of chemically synthesized fertilizers, human excreta, sewage sludge, and chemical waste is prohibited.

Management of diseases, pests, and weeds, as well as crop growth

  • Implement appropriate fertilization and irrigation management.
  • Use physical methods, including manual labor, fencing, light, sound frequency, heat, etc.
  • Plant crops that have pest control functions (including repelling pests and attracting natural enemies).
  • The use of chemically synthesized herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, and other pesticides is prohibited.

Hence, organic farming focuses more on ecological protection during the cultivation process. However, in terms of nutritional value, the difference between organic and non-organic food is actually not significant. Moreover, there is no evidence to suggest that children who eat organic food are healthier or smarter. Of course, since organic food is more environmentally friendly and uses fewer chemical pesticides, I also encourage everyone to purchase more of it.

Conventional Farming vs. Organic Farming

Conventional FarmingOrganic Farming
SafetyMore commonly uses chemical pesticides and fertilizers.-Fewer chemical pesticides.-Focuses on the ecological environment.-Uses non-genetically modified materials.
NutritionNo significant difference
HealthSimilarly, attention should be paid to the principles of a healthy diet low in fat, sugar, and salt.

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